And the penguin saga continues! My last post ended with a couple of pics of the penguin mock-up with the straw and glass. The following picture shows my penguin nestled in the middle of the inner tube. I placed it in the inner tube to estimate how I should shape the penguin's wings, shown here as wire mesh covered with some masking tape.
Here's the penguin with it's first layer of Apoxie Sculpt.
And here is my second attempt at the under structure for the inner tube. My first version was getting too big and too heavy, so I started from scratch for the inner tube. This time I used colored plastic wrap wound over a circle shaped wire.And here my penguin is getting accustomed to the newly constructed inner tube.
Now my penguin and inner tube are covered with a coat of gesso, ready to be painted. I painted the cup and straw first, since I was anxious to try my epoxy resin for the "liquid' in the glass.And here he is! Lounging the day away on his brightly polka-dotted inner tube!
Ahhhhh.....he's enjoying his day! :-)
My Playful Penguin hopes you are enjoying your day as much as he is enjoying his!
Missed "Playful Penguin Process, part 1"? click here
It is completely amazing how you do this!
ReplyDeleteI'm looking at the pictures, and still can't figure out how you did it :)
You have some serious vision!
Thanks so much, Pattie! :-)
ReplyDeleteYou have a great shop and your blog is just adorable!I love your work!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Cartoonie! :-)
ReplyDeleteI love this penguin! So adorable! Thanks for sharing your work process; it's amazing how transformed something so everyday into awesomeness!