Sunday, June 14, 2009

A trip to the park, enjoying the summer weather!

Chung kids 2006

I dug into some of my photo archives to find this great photo (above) of my nieces and nephew in an "impromptu" pose. Last week my nieces and nephews came for a visit for a few days with their mom. We had a good time.

Chung kids June 2009

Here are the four Chung kids, the newest addition being Andrew, who is now a year old. Katrina and Kristin are holding their American Girl dolls. We went to the annual American Girl warehouse sale in Oshkosh last week on Thursday. We got to the location of the sale just before noon and after waiting in line, we entered the store around 3pm. Yes, a three hour wait, which both of my nieces said was worth it. They saved up some allowance money to go shopping at the sale. They found some very cute things for their dolls.

Andrew on swing

And here is a little cutie, Andrew, on the swing at the county park in Waupun.

Katrina on tire swing

Here's Katrina on the tire swing. She's getting a bunny this week.

Andrew, Grandma & Jordan

Andrew, Grandma and Jordan. Did you notice the expression on Jordan's face? He can really ham it up for the camera. I'm going to do a blog post about Jordan soon.

Andrew on slide

Look at lil' Andrew trying to climb up the slide. Did you see that he is wearing some adorable little blue croc shoes?

Cutie Andrew on slide

Awwwww...Andrew! :-)

Kristin sliding down poleJordan sliding down pole

And here are the "two peas in a pod", Kristin & Jordan!

A day at the park

We had a very nice day at the park in Waupun. The weather was gorgeous! Ahhh....summer!


  1. Jordan wants more lines. Thank you for taking a picture of me in mid-air.

    Kristin says it was great!

    Katrina likes the cute baby pictures.

  2. Jordan will be getting a whole blog post soon! :-) Stay tuned.
